Wednesday, 23 September 2015

School Admission made simple....

Gone are the days when schools kept their parents standing in long queues, for hours, to get the admission forms.
To know about the school, parents had to commute to the school or inquire with friends/relatives or keep on trying the school number to get their queries sorted.

EducationOnTAP (simply OnTAP) has made it very simple. 
The process not only helps the parents but also helps the educational organizations to stream-line their process and reduce the work load of their administrative staff. 
Leveraging the OnTAP platform, Educational organization can also promote their organization activities - create the necessary awareness!

For parents, they would now be able to 

  1. Find the school(s) - Choose the school for interactions. 
  2. Once you subscribe then and only then you would be able to start the interaction. You would see the forum, clicking the same would enable you to start the interactions. 
  3. If the educational organization does not meet your need(s), simply Unsubscribe!
  4. Interact with the school to get all your queries sorted. There are various options to interact with the school 
  5. Understand various formalities to complete the admission process. Every educational organization have their own adminssion policies...
  6. Receive the admission form 
  7. Submit the admission form and other necessary documents desired/requested
  8. Receive directions to complete the admission formalities
  9. If your kid, gets admission in the school then you could continue to receive various announcement, notices, project work and other instructions from the school.

That's it...Perform most of the activities from your home, at the time that best suits you.
Visit the school, when requested - Simple!

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A quick glance at OnTAP...Check the overview to learn more about the solution.

Statistically it is proven that OnTAP helps reduce overall operation cost, by 40%, for any educational outfit

Our Vision - Provide a simple, yet effective solution 

  • For educational outfits / organizations
  • For Parents / Students 
  • Save paper - save our environment