Wednesday 23 September 2015

School Admission made simple....

Gone are the days when schools kept their parents standing in long queues, for hours, to get the admission forms.
To know about the school, parents had to commute to the school or inquire with friends/relatives or keep on trying the school number to get their queries sorted.

EducationOnTAP (simply OnTAP) has made it very simple. 
The process not only helps the parents but also helps the educational organizations to stream-line their process and reduce the work load of their administrative staff. 
Leveraging the OnTAP platform, Educational organization can also promote their organization activities - create the necessary awareness!

For parents, they would now be able to 

  1. Find the school(s) - Choose the school for interactions. 
  2. Once you subscribe then and only then you would be able to start the interaction. You would see the forum, clicking the same would enable you to start the interactions. 
  3. If the educational organization does not meet your need(s), simply Unsubscribe!
  4. Interact with the school to get all your queries sorted. There are various options to interact with the school 
  5. Understand various formalities to complete the admission process. Every educational organization have their own adminssion policies...
  6. Receive the admission form 
  7. Submit the admission form and other necessary documents desired/requested
  8. Receive directions to complete the admission formalities
  9. If your kid, gets admission in the school then you could continue to receive various announcement, notices, project work and other instructions from the school.

That's it...Perform most of the activities from your home, at the time that best suits you.
Visit the school, when requested - Simple!

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A quick glance at OnTAP...Check the overview to learn more about the solution.

Statistically it is proven that OnTAP helps reduce overall operation cost, by 40%, for any educational outfit

Our Vision - Provide a simple, yet effective solution 

  • For educational outfits / organizations
  • For Parents / Students 
  • Save paper - save our environment

Saturday 12 April 2014

Educational institutes with OnTAP

Educational institutes play a vital role in the upbringing of children, thus shaping the future.Parents also play a key role in providing the necessary guidance, infrastructure and supporting the aspirations of their kids.
To enable good upbringing of kids, continuous and transparent information sharing is desired between the educational institute and the parents. 

In current scenario,  education institute uses printed copies of circulations, announcements, invitations etc. Alternatively calendar book is used to share time tables, homework, notices, exam schedules and student progress.
Likewise, parents respond to various notices, request leave or post a suggestion or sometimes complaints using the calendar book or paper slips.Regular monthly or bi monthly meetings are also conducted to have personal interaction between the educational institute and the parents.

All these activities though very important are extremely time consuming, tedious  and need to be done during institute's working hours only. Hence many times it might not be actually feasible to share information elaborately.

With OnTAP, you can automate and optimize various operational activities. It also provides the freedom to publish various types of circulations from anywhere at any time. This eradicates the constraint of performing such activities during office hours. Thus can allow staff members to communicate more elaborately. 

With OnTAP parents can get updated on the go.They need not wait until they meet the children. This would allow the parents to be well informed much ahead of time and thus they can have lot more meaningful and constructive interaction with the children. OnTAP can also enable parents to communicate with educational institute by ways of raising inquiries, requesting leaves for their kids or even request appointments to personally meet and discuss certain aspects.

Thus, OnTAP not only provides freedom but also enables to interact at will, sharing relevant information to take all necessary actions to shape the children's future.
PLUS reduce paperwork and help save the environment!

Housing society with OnTAP

Society is one of the most happening places and there are various activities that take place on a regular basis.Due to busy schedule, most of the members go unaware of these activities and events.

Committee members take the onus of managing funds, infrastructure and amenities.They also make the key decisions on behalf of all the members.Yet smooth functioning of a housing society needs participation of the members. 

Similarly, residents may have issues / complaints, inquiries related to amenity availability and associated booking. They expect the same should get attended in a prompt manner.

Most of the information sharing happens over phone calls or are posted on the notice board.These interactions consumes significant time and  may lead to  frustration or irritation. 

Some of the key aspects and irritants are discussed below. 

Complaint management 
Residents may have complaints about water, electricity, amenity, maintenance and many more. Lodging a complaint with the right person and associated followups to resolve the complaint becomes a challenge.This many a times results in irritation for both, the residents and the operational team.

Amenity booking 
Society provides various amenities including community hall, sports, fitness and recreational facilities. To avail the facilities members need to inquire regarding the availability and subsequently has to book the same. Such booking needs to be done during office hours, and might desire multiple calls or interactions. 

Society updates / announcement 
All important updates are currently made on the notice boards or are personally circulated. Notice board mostly gets ignored by the residents and thus they are likely to miss various key updates. However members expect to be updated about water shortage, maintenance activity which can impact their daily schedule.

Payment collection and associated followups related to maintenance, events and additional services is a big unavoidable activity.

PLUS there needs to be significant coordination and interaction for different in-society events.

With OnTAP, you can automate the entire interaction process mitigating the above challenges providing relief to the society members .
Ready to enhance your society experience?

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Non Profit Organizations with OnTAP

The success of nonprofit organization depends upon ground level activities which needs to be implemented relentlessly.
The intentions are driven for a social cause nonetheless this involves significant efforts, time and needs heavy interactions and coordination.

The success of the project / activity is highly dependent upon the social awareness created, number of volunteers, internal communication and the funds raised. 

Information propagation includes, details about various ongoing / upcoming projects, events, various camps / social drives and other news about the organization.With the current infrastructure it is impossible to understand the effectiveness and thus the actual reach of the information that is being propagated.This largely affects attracting volunteers and the donors.

Volunteer registration is another process where heavy interaction is desired.It starts right from the inquiry and goes up till assigning tasks. Even after the tasks are assigned, it is still needed to be connected at all times.

Internal communication is desired within different departments in the organization. Communicating becomes difficult when most of the employees are working on the field.

To keep the good work going a non profit organization thrives on fund raising. Donation amount and the number of donors largely depends upon the quality of work demonstrated. Thus maintaining transparency for any project undertaken plays a vital role, which again boils down to effective information propagation.

With OnTAP, you can automate the entire interaction process mitigating the above challenges thus making the interactions more effective.
Ready to enhance your interaction process?

Friday 14 March 2014

Can OnTAP overcome your business challenges?

Service industry thrives upon information propagation (advertisements), effective customer interactions, efficient inquiry management and prompt service delivery. 
Customer retention or new prospect conversion involves significant efforts, cost and it needs heavy interactions, follow-ups and coordination.
With increase in operational cost and cut throat competition, cutting down the service cost may not be a viable option to win a customer.

Information propagation includes advertisements, conducting event and sessions.
Advertisements need to be published repeatedly to ensure assured viewership. This however does not provide any insight into the effectiveness and the reach. Events are organized to spread the awareness; however spreading the news about the events is equally challenging.

Customer interaction is the core essential of running the business, as it happens at all stages of availing the services.This includes queries, complaints, placing the order,run time alterations, fulfillment of the order, post fulfillment feedback and suggestions. The interaction invariably needs to be initiated by the customer at all times. Delay in responses not only adds to the irritation but can also delay the order placement process.This can be sometimes frustrating.

With OnTAP, you can automate the entire interaction process mitigating the above challenges thus making the customer engagement more effective.
Ready to enhance your customer engagement process?

Monday 10 March 2014

OnTAP - Improve business efficiency

OnTAP enables you to take your business on mobile,thus maximize your reach in an effortless manner.It helps reduce paperwork and thus helps save environment.
It automates various interaction/business processes, reducing the manual efforts, increasing effectiveness and saving time. Above all it enhances the customer experience and engagement process. 
Discover how OnTAP can enhance the overall efficiency with the various intuitive features

Interaction Management
Manage and track various types of interactions with the published applications. The built-in workflow management can help automate responses where desired including inquires, specialized apps. 
Appointment request can be customized to gather relevant information thus helping you to save overall interaction time.
View intelligent statistics including event attendee projections, assured viewership, poll statistics and more thus helping to plan activities in an efficient manner. 
We will soon provide more insight on specialized apps and how it makes OnTAP different.

Publication Management
Based on the context of the business requirement you can choose the type of application from the various available templates. Schedule applications to help reach to your audience at appropriate time.This enables you to plan business activities effectively. You can choose to publish applications to all or a selective group of audience.

Subscription Management
Administrators can manage the users of the account. These can be internal users or the subscribers. The internal users would manage the publications and can also control the access of the subscribers.
Subscribers can avail the services provided by you on their smart devices.
According to Nielsen, 84% of the people trust recommendations of friends. OnTAP facilitates subscribers to recommend your services to their contacts, thus helping your business reach to a wider audience. 

Keen to increase your business efficiency?